Thanks to your regular donations we are able to help our clients and their children, as well as expand our projects. Psychological and legal help has to be provided on regular basis to be effective. This will not be possible without regular financial support. Donors are the only help for us after the Ministry of Justice rejection to fund our Foundation.


Set a standing order on your bank account for a chosen amount. Even 25 PLN monthly makes a difference, as this is the cost of the initial meeting with the client.

Our account details:

Name: Fundacja Centrum Praw Kobiet

Address: ul. Wilcza 60, lok. 19, 00-679 Warszawa, Poland

Bank name: PKO BP

Account Number: 59 1020 1156 0000 7102 0059 9241

IBAN: PL 59 1020 1156 0000 7102 0059 9241

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